Snow-Capped Covered Bridge Expedition

A day romping about the snow is a day well spent, I say! Glor had the day off from school and we took advantage of the great weather to travel down to a favorite riverbed. My sons usually go down to Salmon River during the summer months for some good old fishing. It’s a great way to spend a hot afternoon as you can imagine, and it’s a great way to spend a winter afternoon as well.

It was such a beautiful site when we approached the snow-ladden covered bridge. This is one of only three covered bridges in CT. You can find most of them all over upper New England, with Vermont and New Hampshire having most of them. We get to see some of them when we ride up north for skiing. Needless to say it was a nice snow day adventure. Coco will definitely attest to that!

As you may already know, Glor is my photographer. Lots of times I just have her use my iPhone. It really does take great shots and it’s so much more convenient. But using the Sony camera is always best. You just can’t beat the beautiful shots it takes! Much clearer and definitely higher definition which is great for editing. It was really cold out and the camera’s battery doesn’t last long in cold temps however Glor did great. She was able to capture most of the photos right before it died.


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