Peach Picking Season

Glor and I recently went on a peach picking session and boy did we fill our tote! It was one hot summer day at the orchard but we had loads of fun prancing around looking for the ripest fruits on the vines!Peach picking season!For the past few years Glor and I have been visiting different orchards/farms in Connecticut for fresh produce. We love picking the fruits straight from the tree or bush. Last year we gathered a ton (not literally, but we did pick a lot) of blueberries in July and then we went for our annual apple harvest in the fall. We try to visit as many different farms as we can and compare them afterward. So far we love every single one of them!It’s always so much fun and also important to teach our young kids how to appreciate local farms and how much work goes into producing organic foods. I often talk about how to enjoy farm to table foods and how to create delicious meals with it. It’s satisfying and so worth the trip but creating memories with Glor is always the highlight to all of our excursions and I hope she’ll carry these moments with her always.It’s peak season in CT for picking peaches so if you’re local get out and visit your nearest orchard. Also, be on the lookout for a recipe or two coming your way using these juicy and delicious fruits!

TIP: When buying or picking peaches, look for a creamy or golden color. A ripe peach is fragrant, firm, but not hard. It will yield to a gentle squeeze. Store fully ripe peaches in the fridge. Peel peaches by immersing it in boiling water for approximately 30 seconds. Remove with slotted spoon then plunge into iced water. Slip off skins with the help of a paring knife. To freeze peaches, peel and slice. Mix 1 quart of fruit with 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Pack in freezer bags or container. Protect the color of sliced peaches in a salad or dessert by dipping the slices in lemon juice.



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