Summer Break…

And we’re off!

Summer has officially begun and I just can’t wait to get my feet massaged by the soft sand and my legs kissed by the salty cool water. And with July 4th week fast approaching so does the excitement that comes when you’re ready to run away for a fews days of relaxation.

Soaking up some sun and watching beautiful sunsets with the family is what it’s all about. I so look forward to just getting away from all of the real world grown up responsibilities and be fully entrenched in the moment.

Make sure to follow me on Instagram and now on Snapchat, name *ladydianaspearls* where I’ll be sharing some behind the scenes moments during some down time, #ladydianastravels, then check back here for some new and exciting posts for you to enjoy!

Thank you once again for stopping by. Until next time, have a beautiful weekend, a sparkling holiday break and a productive week! 


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