2023 Year In Review: My Favorites & The Not-So-Favorite Moments In a Nutshell

2023 began like any other year, with a new canvas full of positive ideas, but such is life that sometimes things don’t quite work out the way we plan or expect them to be. It was a challenging year in many ways. Still it was a year filled with a lot of wonderful and great moments, the things which I try to focus on the most. Here are some of my 2023 favorite and not so favorite moments in a nutshell…


The number one thing of my favorite moments in 2023 is my workout/weight loss journey. 2023 marked my full year into it, (now going into year two) but not without hiccups. I must admit it didn’t happen seamlessly. There were plenty of days where my motivation was lacking. But I’m grateful above all else that my family and I are among the very few who are incredibly healthy people. We never took the Covid vaccine nor will we ever and we’ve beaten any chances of getting sick. We’ve maintained healthy bodies withouth prescriptions of any kind. So, honestly my health, our health is and always will be front and center and we never take it for granted.


My middle son moved to Miami early in 2023 and I flew down during Gloria’s spring break to see him. It was a surprise visit and his gf helped me arrange it since it fell during his birthday. This was another favorite moment of 2023. Saying I was obsessed with Miami life would be an understatement. I forget how much I miss speaking my native language on the daily even though we were only there for a few days. Here’s a post with more details of our Miami trip.


I know this is a random one but when you find a great find, well you can’t gatekeep! This small purchase from Amazon is the bomb. It has been my go-to LBD since I bought it last spring. It’s a lovely midi style dress with halter ties and is available in nine other color combos. I loved wearing it in Miami and all summer for evening dinners or with a light sweater draped over my shoulders. BTW, these platform sandals are similar to the Madden Girls that I’m wearing and are on HUGE sale for under $12!!!


In 2023, Glor fully blossomed fully into a beautiful young lady, aka teenager. She hit peak towards the end of 2023 just as she turned 15 in September. Man did she bloom this past year! And it was nothing short of incredible because she is now officially taller than me! It’s magical to watch your child turn into their own person. To see the things that make her her especially after having boys for so long. It’s simply the best to experience this all over again with a girl. Next up, driver’s permit…


On June 10, 2023 we celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary. I wanted to mention this because honestly it’s no small task. This year, God willing, we will celebrate our 30th. The past 29 years somehow feel alternately like the blink of an eye and yet like a lifetime — there are moments of our wedding I remember like it were yesterday and, still like ages ago. I have no words of wisdom. No secret to a happy marriage. Only that love endures all things. Love never fails.♥


For Labor Day Weekend we took a sort of spontaneous family trip to Maine and it turned out to be one of the best trips we ever had. We had SUCH a great time. It was the perfect getaway to end the summer – we were relaxed, we explored, and we even rode rides at the amusement park on the beach! This was most definitely a highlight of my 2023 so much so that we decided to make it an annual thing. I can’t wait to go back! Check out my full post on our Maine trip if you want details on what we did and where we went.


We’re two days shy of two months since my little darling Coco’s passing. November 10, 2023 is etched in our hearts. This has been a very hard and sorrowful time for me. There are moments I break down and sob. I miss her so much. Her passing came as a surprise and in a way I’m grateful it was quick. She didn’t have time to suffer. Her memory lives on in all the little things she left behind. Those sweet moments I’ll never forget, they can never be replaced by any other pet. She left a tiny void in my heart that will remain just that way, a tiny void that can’t ever be filled.♡


This is Bleau, one of two new puppies we adopted shortly after Coco passed. She’s a real cutie and a lot of fun. She has a quiet temperament (unlike her sister) and is smaller in size. She is part Shih Tzu & Bichon Frise, aka Shichon Teddy Bear. They have become quite the challenge to train so I literally have my hands full. I wouldn’t have adopted siblings had I’d known any better. But, here we are and we move forward. We also discovered the other dog, Bailey is a ‘poop eater’ and I’m struggling with that trying to discourage her from eating it. Stay tuned…


Okay, so I just had to mention this. It’s another one of those things I’m so very proud of and don’t want to gatekeep! My skincare routine has been on point since I began doing the Korean Skincare Method this past year. I have this post where I go into detail with all the products I use. I will also update it soon because I recently finally began using Tretinoin on a nightly basis, yay! BTW, the makeup I have on is called the ‘Cold Girl Makeup’ trend, it mimicks the affect on one’s face of super rosey cheeks after being outside in the cold, lol.


And finally my little jewel moment of 2023. In December we went to a local ‘paint your own pottery’ studio and this was my little work of art. I’m so proud of it and love it so much. Clearly in honor of Coco. I drink my latte everyday from it and I’m hoping it will last me a long time. Gloria made a fantastic vase and my husband made a very colorful dog treats jar. The studio is such a great place to visit whenever you’re feeling creative. I love that it is also a cafe where you can order food and drinks.

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