Flush Mount Lighting

Our mudroom was in need of a little refresh. We decided to give it a new coat of paint which immediately made wonders. It was then that I realized this area was also in need of a new light fixture. The one we had was original to the house, you know, one of those ‘boob’ lights that are stock pieces in new construction. Needless to say, it was time to part ways…

It’s funny now that I think about it. One can disregard something for so long and then one day your’re like, wait, this needs to go! The more I looked at it the more I felt it was ugly, dated and not at all jiving with my decor style. It wasn’t inviting and it didn’t have personality. It was just there. It was blah. That’s what led me to this post. (You’ll want to save it should you be on the hunt for fresh and not boring light fixtures.)

As a traditional gal I love classic chandeliers. But while shopping for a mudroom light I started to look at newer styles that can still give off a sense of classic decor with a touch of whimsy. There is clearly a myriad of styles, colors, lengths and materials to choose from and it can be overwhelming, which is why I’m making it easy for you.

I’m sharing some of my picks for flush and semi-flush mount lighting that would be great in just about any room in the house. These are absolutely beautiful and each makes a statement of their own. My picks also include pieces for every budget!




1 Comment

  1. Julie W.
    07/18/2021 / 1:19 pm

    Rosa, these are really lovely. Would love to see your pick when it is installed! Maybe a post on laundry room upgrades with before and after pictures? I changed out every ceiling fixture in the house during the huge remodel and update. I replaced every ugly “boob” light to something classic and simple and was able to use the same fixture for most areas. I also replaced every clunky ceiling fan (the kind with the stupid hanging light kits / glass shades and pull chains) to plain white, 3 blade, remote controlled fans. No embellishments and blends with the ceiling. One cannot live in the South without fans. It is unbelievable the difference that paint and ceiling fixtures make to an overall look. Other than the dining room, kitchen and foyer with elegant fixtures, the other ceiling lights are for utility and not on very long. But I still want them to look nice or “disappear”. But how wonderful to walk into a room and flip on a light that is pretty. Thank you for sharing your selections. Have a great day.

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