It’s been a while since I’ve done a kitchen update and today we’re focusing on how to create a simple but lovely minimalist winter kitchen decor. One of the easiest and fun ways to add a change of color to any room is usually done by simply adding beautiful florals to the decor. But often times all I do is use seasonal fruits to update the look of a room, particularly the kitchen. It’s easy, inexpensive and they absolutely don’t ever go to waste.

I love pomegranates and I love chocolate truffles. I also love a great scented candle lit to make a room explode with wonderful fragrance. Add one each of these elements and you create a simple display no matter the season. The candle is Arctic Frost from the Yankee Candle Elevation Collection. It’s also one of my winter favorites, with balsam fir being my ultimate. The lovely ‘frosted’ pine branches obviously tells a story and together they bring out the best in a minimalist winter theme.

I have to be honest here, my kitchen doesn’t always look this neat and tidy. It’s nearly impossible to keep it looking like this all the time in such a busy home. I have a big family and with big families comes busy kitchens and this one certainly has high traffic. There’s always something cooking with busiest times being the morning and of course dinner hours. While I don’t mind the traffic I do get tired of the cleanup, but I guess a busy kitchen means a happy kitchen.☺️

Good morning Rosa! I absolutely love this vignette. Simple and serene and oh so lovely. I think sometimes, there can be a tendency to overdo decor, especially at holidays. But my faves are more minimalist – a couple of natural items with a nod to the season. You do that so well. Some of your posts that I love the most are the ones that show plant or flower arrangements or just a cute little arrangement of natural items (I am thinking of your decorating for autumn posts). I’m with you on keeping it streamlined and usable in the kitchen. Who has time to move a bunch of stuff in order to cook? Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas!
Thank you so much for that Julie! Truly appreciate the feedback. And yes, less is more. As much as I love seeing other people’s lovely decor loaded with all sorts of things I just prefer things (especially the kitchen) a little less crowded. I let design speak for itself. Thank you for visiting! 🤗