Memorial Day Weekend 2020 Recap

This Memorial Day Weekend was unlike any other and perhaps you’re saying the same thing. For most of us what is the ‘unofficial’ start of summer is usually an incredibly festive time. It was however a little different than years past. Something as simple as going to an ice cream shop has become a trial of sorts all thanks to the Coronavirus causing major shutdowns throughout America’s cities and towns.

Still, we managed to make the most of it. My family and I went to Newport for an extended long weekend and it was what I imagined it to be, refreshing. Newport is forever a festive town and as a New England tourist destination, it gets busy during the warmer months. As per usual, we were able to enjoy our time in our favorite coastal town, just minus the fanfare and traffic.

Getting around town was a bit of a challenge this time around to say the least. My injured foot has added another layer of annoyance to my already frustrated view of what the virus has created. While I’m ever so grateful that my family and I have not been affected by this virus, it has definitely put a disclaimer on our freedoms. I support vigilance, and lawful obedience but I feel that our government has gone somewhat overboard with restrictions. Most of the shops in town were closed, some for good and it was so sad to see people’s livelihood ripped from them. I visited the shops that were open and they were so grateful that we popped in. I’m hoping these shutdowns will all be over soon.

You wouldn’t know it by looking at this happy face but believe me when I tell ya, it was a struggle for me to stand there for a photo. I didn’t want to bring the crutches with me and I guess I should have. My daughter has become an incredible photographer and was able to take this shot as I tried to keep my balance. She’s seriously the best!

My foot continues to be in manageable pain and I hobbled around town like a crazy old lady, (along cobble stone streets, no less). I take turns between wrapping the ankle and wearing a brace. It’s been a tough three weeks and unfortunately my summer will be highly impacted by my lack of physical strength for getting around. So far I’m managing pretty well although my first driving trip since the accident was awful. It flared my foot and I was in so much pain when I got home. They say a Grade 3 ankle sprain takes a long time to heal, longer than even a broken ankle would. It’s now a matter of patience and I’ll just have to do my best to refrain from long walks, standing for too long and completely avoid bikes. That said, nothing can keep me away from a sunny excursion in Newport. And I’ll take heart in that a visit to the beach is all I need to heal…

Riding a bike is how I injured myself so I will have to sit this one out for a while. For years, every summer we ride bikes all around the coast of Newport, also known as The Ten Mile Drive. It’s a scenic route that tourists from all over like to see. Biking is the best way to get around and take in the views. You can stop for a Del’s lemonade, which you can find throughout town stationed along the roads and of course for photo ops. The day was very windy and overcast but that didn’t stop Glor from running around bundled up.

Glor and her brothers took the time to stack these rocks on the shore. I always wondered why these were done. Have you ever come across a stack of rocks? I researched this and found out that stacked rocks or stones, more commonly known as Cairns, placed along a trail signify that you are on the right track. It is a marker of sorts, guiding you to the correct path or trail in cases where navigation becomes difficult and the trail may be easily lost. Clearly we’re not lost but these look too cute. I took these photos and am now having them printed and framed. I’ll place them in my half-bath which is in need of new wall decor.

While Glor and I enjoy modeling and taking photos the boys much rather spend their time riding bikes or fishing. My boys have been fishing for years now. Back home in CT we live by a large pond where they set up camp and fish all summer. There are also many water bodies near the home where they go canoeing, kayaking, fishing and camping. These are the best activities during the summer months. When we come down to Newport they bring their fishing gear and set up to fish. It’s especially nice when done late in the day and the sun begins to set. We get to see the prettiest sun sets by the shore and Newport Bridge.

I hope this post finds you all doing well. I know the headlines are currently filled with so much negativity and horrific scenes of unjust actions, so I’m hoping this is a slight distraction from that, if not for just a brief moment.

“…God is not partial, but in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.” Acts 10:34, 35

“And he made out of one man every nation of men to dwell on the entire surface of the earth…” Acts 17:26

1 Comment

  1. Julie
    05/29/2020 / 6:00 pm

    Hi Rosa: You are a brave lady to face cobblestones on that ankle! Thank you for getting out there, supporting your community and sending us a beautiful post. Yes, the news is unbelievably horrible and I’ll be doing my part to stand up for my values. In the meantime, I appreciate the distraction, the warmth and the goodwill that comes from your site. The slices of life in Newport make me excited and hopeful for the future. I have traveled very little in New England and I keep adding so many places to my “must see” list. On many levels, our country and its people have been hurt by so much this year. Thank you for putting good out into the world. I need it and I’ll bet everyone needs it to stay motivated and hopeful. Have a beautiful day.

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