Spring Layers

Hello my dears and welcome back. Hope your first day of Spring wasn’t a total washout like mine was. We actually got 6 inches of snow! 

I don’t know about your area but I swear our weather around here is as hormonal as me at times! On the first day of Spring we got hit with more snow. The day was dreary, grey and cold and the snow just piled on. The next day, when we took these pics, it reached near 50 degrees and most of what fell became slush. I just don’t get it at times…

Spring boyfriend jeans and layers.Spring layers and tassel necklace.spring layerssoft Spring layersspring layers and a tassel necklace @expresscropped sweater layers and boyfriend jeansSpring layering.@Rockbox earrings.Cropped sweater, Banana Republic, on sale with code BRSPRING

Silk blouse, Banana Republic on sale too, use code BRSPRING

Boyfriend Jeans, Old Navy | Booties, Elliot Lucca | Tassel necklace, Express

Earrings, on loan from Rocksbox, use code ladydianaspearlsxoxo for first month FREE!

I think it’s time to let go of the coats, don’t you? I’m so done with that! I love it when I can put on just a few simple pieces and go. Today’s outfit was just that. Simple Spring layers. And pretty much everything I’m wearing is on huge sale right now, so take advantage!

And don’t forget to check out Rocksbox. For only $19 a month you get unlimited jewelry rental. You pick the pieces you like and they ship them right out to you and no shipping charges either way. It’s great designer jewelry that you can purchase or continue to swap. No commitment to buy ever. If you sign up, use my code <ladydianaspearlsxoxo> to get the first month free!  

Have a fabulous week!




  1. Lorna Mai Ltd
    03/23/2015 / 6:54 pm

    This is great layering. The silk blouse and cropped sweater go so well together. You look fab!

  2. Rachel Garay
    03/24/2015 / 9:57 am

    I am sorry about snow around your first day of spring, you look lovely. I adore the accessories with your outfit!

    Rachel xo

    Garay Treasures

    • 03/26/2015 / 9:03 am

      Thanks Rachel. And the weather is finally getting better, lol.-R

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