Family Portraits

I love a full house. Having my kids at home all together is such a great feeling. I love the buzz and chaos that comes with having them home. And on that note, I’ve taken the opportunity to officially introduce to you my little family. Unfortunately the only time we seem to be able to take photos together are either during a family vacation or during the holiday festivities, and even then, it’s getting increasingly harder and harder to gather everyone for a quick photo.

When my boys were much younger it seemed to come easier. Now that they’re older it seems like they want nothing to do with posing for a family picture. I guess their social network statuses are more important…

After much pleading and shoving I was finally able to gather my troops and snap just a few quick pics. I think it is so important to freeze these moments. My children are quickly growing into young adults and in no time at all they will be going off to create their own memories. My hope is that they do the same with their families in the future, to gather them all for love and not just because it’s a holiday. It’s such a cliche, but being together is what matters, the trees will soon be dispensed of and all we’ll have left are memories and the pictures to proof it.

I hope you were able to create your own family portraits like I did. If you didn’t, I hope you find my family pics to be an inspiration to do the same with your loved ones, soon! I now leave you with a glimpse into my family and I will be back posting new and wonderful things in the new year!family 2013

me and kids

photo (1)Left to right: Vincent, Frank, Anthony,Gloria

CocoP.S. The newest member of our family is our three month old fur baby, Coco.


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