Glor’s 8th Grade Promotion

Seems like not so long ago I enrolled her into pre-school. Yet, here we are bidding farewell to her very successful academic middle school years. Where have the years gone?

We have been blessed with Gloria. She has been such a great kid. I know every loving parent says that about their children, as they should, but I especially feel this way about Gloria because well, simply put, Gloria is that great kid.

She’s loving, and kind, she’s thoughtful, generous, companssionate and above all else she’s extremely concientious. She has kept a good moral compass, one I hope she continues to uphold especially in this climate where peer pressure is guranteed to intensify.

She has shown the incredible mature ability to rise above obstacles and challenges with grace, not always easy to achieve and definitely not a fun experience for a parent to have to stand by and watch.

We’re looking forward to her high school years. We’re looking forward to her teen years as she will slowly develope into a young woman. We will be right by her side, every step of the way, watching and cheering…

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