Mint Julep Pedi with Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spas

Hello friends, welcome back! Today I’m super excited to share another #TheRedDoor spa experience with you. I tell ya a girl can easily get used to being pampered! I once again took a short trip to Elizabeth Arden’s Red Door Spa in Mystic, CT and this time for a wonderful ‘Mint Julep Spritzer Pedi.’

Now, I have to say, I’ve had pedicures done many times before but I assure you, nothing quite like this one. The whole experience was awesome and to top it off I was able to have my daughter sit next to me for a little pedi of her own. We had a fantastic think the whole treatment lasted a little over an hour and by the time we were done my legs and feet felt like a newborn baby’s bottom, smelled delicious and look ever so pretty. Did you catch my behind the scenes on snapchat (@rmd0610)? I tell you, every new product the technician used on me smelled better than the last. I LOVED the ‘fluffy bunny’ cream she used to massage on my legs, it smelled like almonds and cherries mixed together, what a cocktail!mint-julep-pedi-red-door-spa-ldp6mint-julep-pedi-red-door-spa-ldp7One thing I didn’t expect was the wax foot treatment. My feet were put inside bags of very warm melted wax full of moisturizing properties. I’ve never had this done before and it was wonderful! The wax left my feet soft, smooth and super hydrated. My feet and legs literally glistened after this entire treatment! I absolutely loved'She's Pampered' @essie via @elizabetharden #thereddoor spa pedi.'Mint Julep Spritzer Pedi' with @elizabetharden #thereddoor spas! @essie 'she's pampered.'red-door-spa-pedi-ldp1Another great thing about visiting The Red Door Spa is the before and after treatments. Usually you begin your visit by getting comfortable in a fluffy robe and slippers, (I chose to forgo the robe this time) and you can sit and relax afterwards in a quiet setting with a drink of choice before you leave. I chose a hot cup of coffee with biscuits and magazines before my drive home.'Mint Julep Spritzer Pedi' at @elizabetharden #thereddoor spa.@elizabetharden #TheRedDoor Spa 'Mint Julep Spritzer Pedi.'

So, who doesn’t love a great pedicure?! #TheRedDoor Spas and I are teaming up to offer you a chance to schedule your own Mint Julep Spritzer Pedi at a special discount. From now through September 30th get 20% off a Mint Julep Spritzer Pedi using code GSFANAUG10.* Go ahead and take advantage of this offer. I’m sure your feet have done lots of travels during the summer season so it’s a good time to get your feet pampered before the cold months move in. 

Thanks for stopping by friends. Hope your week has been a good one so far. And don’t forget to visit me on snap (@rmd0610) for more fun events and sign up for my weekly newsletter so you don’t miss out on special offers and promotions like this one.

xoxo, Rosa


*Offer valid at Groton, CT Mystic Marriott location. Please enter offer code during online booking, or call to book and mention offer code. Offer cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. Not valid towards product, gift certificate, gift card, packages, Red Door More Membership or Series purchases. Offer expires September 30, 2016. Code: GSFANAUG10


This post was written in collaboration with Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spas. All views and opinions are strictly my own. 


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