November Bucket List

After having an insanely beautiful summer season, this fall season although short, has been an incredibly gorgeous and super fun one as well. Short and sweet makes it all that much more appreciated. And since we literally have less than 60 days left before the 2015 year ends I plan on relishing every single day of wonderful crisp weather with sweaters, scarfs, booties, soups, hot cocoa and pies!november bucket list

  1. Watch a perfect classic movie by a roaring fire.
  2. Roast all those pumpkin seeds.
  3. Watch ALL of the Star Wars saga before the new movie hits theaters.
  4. Bake zucchini bread.
  5. A day trip to NYC.
  6. Visit the gym more.
  7. Hair trim.
  8. Make my ever popular and super delicious Chocolate Soufflé.
  9. Find a ‘white dress.’
  10. Make mulled cider.

 What’s on your to-do list for November?


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