Gloria, My Little Heroine

Hello and happy hump day from beautiful CT! Finally the weather is reaching its potential!

Today I’m sharing a little secret with you all. A secret that’s been coming up (a lot) in question from everyone everywhere. Being a blogger means that I have to be able (or at least try) to write well and take good photos of all the topics I cover. After all, it’s our communication style. 

When I decided to start this blog it began as a hobby and still is. Something for me to do on my “off time.” Little did I know I’d be dedicating a lot of time to it. I’ve met some great people along the way, tried new things and I’ve also made new friends but most importantly I love every second of it.

The logical thing to do was to find a great photographer that I could drag with me at a moment’s notice to do my style shoots. Easy to do, heck no, impossible, not really, most bloggers do it, but did I want to invest that much on a hobby? Not really, but I still need someone to take my photos.

On to THE secret that’s been a topic since day one, here she is:#lillyfortarget dressThis is Gloria Diana, my official photographer. She has been my little sidekick since day one. She’s a photographer in training and she absolutely loves it.#lillyfortarget summer dressDress, Lilly Pulitzer for Target, sold out, similar

I couldn’t do all of this without her help. I’m so blessed to have her in more ways than I can count. She’s really my perfect little girl. I just can’t say enough about her. She’s all that and then some. 

It took a some time to get her used to taking the photos but she’s got a good handle on things. And even on freezing days we run out with gloves, hat and all to take pictures and she gladly does it all. Most times we have to bring her pink fairy stool with us so in order to get a better angle and the right height. I’ve also bought a new camera that happens to be a little bigger than her hands but she’s adjusted well to using it. She’s been a great trooper.

From here on out when you see photos of me just know that this little tyke is the brains behind the camera. She also helps with setting up and staging my food shoots as well. At just 6 years old she’s learned to take photos and cook.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!





  1. MaximsFashion
    06/17/2015 / 9:37 pm

    Nice to meet you great photographer,
    There is no doubt that you already get good pictures.
    This is great at your age, CONGRATULATIONS perfect little girl, so cute!
    Please check 13 Lessons to Teach Your Child About Digital Photography
    I wish you a happy week taking pictures…

    • 06/18/2015 / 7:16 am

      Thank you so much! And for suggesting that great article on photography. I read it and found it helpful and informative and will certainly use some of the points mentioned. Thanks again for stopping by, have a great week! -R

    • 06/18/2015 / 7:17 am

      Hi Rachel! Thank you for the nice complement, appreciate it. 😉 Will visit your site as well! -R

  2. 06/18/2015 / 10:38 pm

    Your daughter is adorable,and that is so sweet she takes all your photos!

    When I first started I wouldn’t let anyone take my photos, I was kind of embarrassed and always used a tripod and remote. Now I’ll drag my boyfriend, mom, or sister to take them… but I still always keep the tripod in my car just incase my helpers aren’t in the mood.

    Chic on the Cheap

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