Weekend Link Love Vol 2.15

Yay, TGIF! Yesterday I sat through the announcement of the prestigiously lucky few chosen for the leading man, Oscar. I didn’t even get to watch half of the movies nominated but I recognized some of them. And how about that list of lead and supporting actors, OMG?! I’m at a loss for words, really.

On another note, this weekend I bid adieu to my boys heading back to school. Three years into it and I still hate it!!! And we have rain in the forecast, wt_! Fortunately I have my mini-me to take care of and cook with and our fur-baby Coco who recently turned the big ONE. It’s been a year since we got her and we just absolutely love her. I brought her to her annual visit and the poor thing was an anxious mess. But she got a clean bill of health!

Oh, before I forget, I’ve been interviewing for jobs since I was laid off back in December. It’s a job of its own to have to prepare for interviews and the like. Seriously, I can go on about preparation and all the things that you go through when getting ready to put your best foot forward, hint, future post… Anyway, I’ve already gotten offers and I’m happy to say that it was quicker than I expected, what with all the competition out there and how the economy isn’t fairing at its optimal. So I have a few options to think about over the weekend before I dive back into work. I must admit though, just when I was starting to get comfortable being at home again; stay tuned for the progress… 

So what are your plans for the weekend? Anything exciting going on in your neck of the woods?

CocoJan2015(Coco Diana the Maltese/Chihuahua)

Check out some of these interesting links:

  • Work your strong suit with these styles and sales!
  • Did you catch yesterday’s recipe post? A must make!
  • Although I’m not the grungy style type and certainly not office attire, I’m totally crushing on these
  • A simple guide for introducing #Marsala into your makeup! 
  • What a cool idea
  • Feeling a little blue lately? It’s more common than you think. And remember, “He himself well knows the formation of us, remembering that we are dust.” -Ps. 103:14

Have a fantastic weekend everyone, muah!



  1. Anila Lapa Muka
    01/16/2015 / 7:32 pm

    Waau happy birthday to Coco!
    Congrats on the job interviews, so happy for you!
    By the way Coco looks so pretty:))
    Have a nice weekend, i’m working:/

    • 01/17/2015 / 10:45 am

      Thanks Ana! Sorry you’ll be working, lol, I don’t miss those days… I’ll keep you posted about my job search. <3 -Ro

  2. Isabel
    01/16/2015 / 8:06 pm

    Coco is just the cutest thing ever, happy birthday! And good luck on your interviews, I know the feeling. I have the weekend off, planning on some much needed me time, lol. have a nice weekend!

    • 01/17/2015 / 10:45 am

      Hey Isabel, thanks for that, and enjoy your weekend! -R

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