CranOrange Scones

Today’s recipe post may come as a relief for some of you if you happen to live in the northeast area of the country. We are graced with a -10 degree weather chill so turning on the oven sounded like a great idea to me!

A delicate dessert/snack made with cranberries and orange, two of my favorite ingredients. My CranOrange Scones are so good on their own you don’t need clotted cream or jams!

#scones9 #scones7#scones8


[yumprint-recipe id=’18’]#scones12#scones6Scones are traditionally a British treat that are slightly sweetened or glazed. Usually reserved for “high tea” and accompanied by clotted cream or jams they are considered a pastry. But we don’t have to wait till high tea. As soon as you wake, you can crab one with your favorite hot drink to enjoy! 


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