A Little Eclectic

Some would say that “variety is the spice of life…” -William Cowper (1785)

Although not a serial collector by any means, when it comes to home decorating I do enjoy a little mix of this and a little mix of that. For the most part I tend to decorate in a very traditional/conservative way, but every once in a while I like to throw in a little eclectic something, if you will, to jazz up the overall feel of a room. Today I’m concentrating on the eclectic dining room decor.

eclectictable2“Matching” our furniture I believe is a thing of the past. It can actually come across as too formal or stuffy. In contrast, when you have several different pieces of furniture put together it tends to give off a sense of relaxation, comfort and pleasantness. You don’t have to rid yourself of the formalities, you just end up with everything feeling more inviting.  After all, isn’t that what home is supposed to feel like?

all images via my Pinterest dining board.


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