Chic Floral Shorts

One simple thing I enjoy doing very much is to sit and slowly sip on a cup of latte, hot or cold, at home or out. However, when the chance to sit outside at a local coffee shop arises I make sure to have plenty of time to enjoy the moment even more.

floralshorts9 floralshorts1 floralshorts5 floralshorts8 floralshorts6 floralshorts4 floralshorts3 floralshorts7(Jacket, NY&Co | Shirt, old, new version, Banana Republic | Shorts, J. Crew | Wedges, Banana Republic, old, but totally crushing on these | Bag, last season, Kate Spade, similar |  Earrings, c/o Benevolent Jewels | Sunnies, Target)

I actually like to people watch, is that strange? Anyway, to celebrate the first day of summer I decided to wear my very chic floral shorts, which I found at a great bargain. And as is usually the case when I’m out and about, I found myself taking my coffee break to enjoy some much needed alone time.




  1. 06/23/2014 / 8:01 pm

    Thanks Monique! I love to mix patterns and the floral with stripes is super cute! Thanks for stopping by.
    xoxo, Rosa

  2. Nicole Layne
    06/24/2014 / 3:45 pm

    Great outfit! I love the pattern mixing! I love to sit outside and people watch also. I love to see what people are wearing/doing!

    Nicole to the Nines

  3. 06/24/2014 / 7:21 pm

    Hi Nicole! I’m glad you like the pattern mix! And I’m happy to hear I’m not the only one who does quirky things, lol. Thanks for stopping by, visit again. 🙂

    • R. M. Diana
      07/03/2014 / 9:19 pm

      Thank you April!

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