Sunnies That Best Complement Your Face Shape

Ahhh, we’ll soon be basking in the warm sunlight. But before we do that we must first give attention to sun protection for our eyes and faces. Today we’re talking sunnies.

Unfortunately, for some of us shopping for sun glasses can be a drag. We’re stumped about what type of frame would best flatter our facial features. But don’t panic, because I’m going to help you take the guess work out of your shopping experience.

We begin with the 5 basic face shapes. Take a close look at yourself and try to figure out where you fall in the group.

FACESHAPESTop row: Round and Square face shapes

Middle: Heart shape

Bottom row: Oval and Oblong face shapes


Kirsten Dunst and The Olsen Twins have small round faces. Kirsten is seen here wearing the High Point Cat Eye style and the Twins are sporting Ray Ban Wayfarer style sunnies. Both styles flatter small round faces. Tip; try to keep the actual frame size proportionate to your face size.














Paris Hilton and Demi Moore both have square shape faces. Their features are best suited for large or over-sized sun glasses. Large circular frames tend to soften the natural lines of a square face. 



















Heart shaped faces are most flattered by the Aviator style sun glasses. They tend to “hug” the face. Both Scarlet Johansson and Kim Kardashian have heart shaped faces and are often seen styling aviator sunnies.  

















Oval shape faces are often referred to as the “universal” shape. It is the best and most versatile face cut to have as almost all styles of frames gel well with this face shape. Featured is Halle Berry and Eva Mendes, both oval shape faces. The sunnies they’re often seen wearing are over-sized Square style.




















Lastly we have the faces which are lean and long, the oblong shape. In order for these to appear fuller and more proportionate, choose frames that can cover the center of the face and are wide. Wrap around sunglasses are the best choices for this face shape. Liv Tyler and SJP both fit into this category and look amazing with the wrap arounds.



















This is just a guideline with examples of what flatters a specific face shape. You should wear whatever feels most comfortable to you. But as you can see, there seems to be a particular style that complements a particular face shape very well. I happen to have an oval face, at least when I’m not overweight, so I prefer the Jackie O. type frames, large and dark. They conceal, protect and look incredibly chic!

What’s your favorite style of sunglasses? Do you wear whatever you come across or do you have a favorite designer whom you stick with regardless of style? I hope you find this to be of some help and have fun shopping for your next pair of sunnies!

All images via Pinterest.


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