4 Insta Looks to Shop For & Wear Now

Layering is not an easy task for me. I avoid it as much as possible but because we’re in the demanding winter season layers must be part of my wardrobe. Often times I’ll bring a jacket or coat along but won’t wear it unless I’m gonna walk for an extended amount of time. It’ll usually sit in the back seat of my car while I jump in and out for errands… 

Below is a roundup of some of my Insta looks that didn’t make it to the blog as single posts. These #ootd looks are not only available to shop for but you can wear them now with most of the items on sale!@ny&co Knit Cocoon Cardi and henley dress.Cardigan | Henley dress | Pumps | Bag

I love scarves and this is perhaps the easiest way for me to stay warm without adding too many layers especially if I bring a large one along!@barbour jackets! Jacket | Scarf | Leggings | Boots | Sweater

Winter white is my favorite winter color, for obvious reasons!Winter white and faux leather leggings! @loft #loveloftCoat | Leggings | Pumps | Sweater | Statement necklace

A light jacket, plaid scarf and my riding boots are basically my go-to pieces (unless the temps dip below 30 degrees then I’ll add a thicker coat and gloves or just stay home)… Plaid scarf and stripes! Jacket | Scarf | Striped top | Jeans | Boots 


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