Baby Blue and Skinny Layers

Dare I say I’m “wearing out” my skinny welcome…

#longshirt7#longshirt3#longshirt5#longshirt6#longshirt2#longshirt1#longshirt4#versacesunniesCoat, Forever 21 | Pullover, Target | Shirt, H&M | Jeans, Loft | Booties, Elliott Lucca

Sunnies, Versace via Macy’s, similar | Bangles, Alex & Ani | Cuff, Loren Hope | Wristlet, Kate Spade

Last week I spent a day moving my son back to school; but not without a photo opp! You can’t visit your favorite new England town and not take advantage of a sunny wintery day.

There was a time when I might’ve had a pair, maybe two, of jeans in my closet, (you can find out why here). But since the introduction of the “skinny” trend, somehow it has taken over my wardrobe! I now have countless pairs consisting of different tones and denim wash. I find them to be the most versatile piece of clothing. From preppy chic to classy casual.

I paired these “super skinny” with a baby blue long shirt and a classic cable knit pullover. The contrast in colors is soft when paired with the winter white coat that I’m totally maximizing. Plus the shirt makes for double duty as a comfy lounging “night shirt” on the weekends!



  1. Ana Valentin
    01/26/2015 / 9:03 am

    As always, great and classy outfit post! I hope as I mature into adulthood I can dress half as classy and with confidence as you. Have a great day!

    • 01/26/2015 / 12:39 pm

      Ana you’re so sweet, thank you! Have a great day as well. -R

  2. Jill
    01/26/2015 / 3:16 pm

    That coat is beautiful! What a great Forever 21 find!

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