Summer Casual White Jeans

whitejeans9 whitejeans8 whitejeans4 whitejeans7 whitejeans1whitejeans2 whitejeans5 whitejeans3 whitejeans6(Shirt, sold out, Necklace & Jeans, Ann Taylor | Wedges, Nordstrom | Bag, old, Kate Spade, similar | Vintage Rhinestone Bracelet)

So you’ve got yourself a great pair of casual summer white jeans. What to do with them. Well, anything and everything pairs well with this summer favorite. I decided to go light and easy by paring mine with pinstripes. I also let the shoes and bag add color and pattern mix. But imagine, red, yellow, green, orange or just a simple solid black top. And if you’re lucky like me and are sporting a fabulous tan, OMG!

White and pinstripes are just one of summer’s favorite combinations. I chose this for a lunch al fresco. But for an evening look I would’ve chosen a red or black top with nude pumps. And I would also add a beautiful brightly colored scarf to wrap myself around in when the temps drop. If simple, chic and classy is what you’re after, these will do the trick!




    • R. M. Diana
      07/07/2014 / 6:15 pm

      Hi Darcy! Thanks, and please visit again!

  1. 07/07/2014 / 5:25 pm

    Your white jeans fit you really well. I like how you’ve tied your blouse at the front. A perfect July look and very Wimbledon!

    • R. M. Diana
      07/07/2014 / 6:18 pm

      Hi Lorna! Thanks for the complement! My family and I were just vacationing in Newport, RI and we visited the Tennis Hall of Fame since my 5 y.o started tennis lessons, very Wimbledon ish indeed! Visit again!

  2. 07/07/2014 / 5:56 pm

    In my 30 years on Earth, I don’t think I’ve ever owned a pair of white jeans. How is that even possible? I must pick up a pair soon b/c these look great on you 🙂

    • R. M. Diana
      07/07/2014 / 6:20 pm

      Hi Megan! Awww, you’re too kind! I’ll have to admit to that as well. I never really thought much of white jeans until this season. I’m glad I did, though, and so should you! 🙂 Come back again!

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