Castle Hill Lighthouse

During the summer, taking trips to local lighthouses is a must and Castle Hill Light happens to be one of my favorite places to visit.

castlehill5 castlehill4 castlehill castlehill2 castlehill1 castlehill3(Dress, Old Navy, on sale now | Necklace, J. Crew Factory, sold out, similar | Sunnies, Ann Taylor | Shoes, Banana Republic, old, I love these)

On a hot summer day, to wear a dress like this one is a must. Flowy, comfortable and so pretty. Just another great find that you can totally dress up. And what a beautiful day it was to go for a stroll by the shore after a fantastic lunch!

Located in Newport, RI, Castle Hill Lighthouse is just a few minutes walk from Castle Hill Inn, another favorite spot of mine. When I visit the town I always make sure to stop by and grab some lunch while enjoying the amazing Newport harbor and then go down a short path to the light house, to contemplate the sea and all its glory.



  1. Nicole Layne
    07/22/2014 / 11:03 am

    Old Navy has been amazing this summer! I love this dress and the necklace you paired it with! The lighthouse is a beautiful backdrop for these photos!

    Nicole to the Nines

    • 07/22/2014 / 1:11 pm

      Hi Nicole! Yes, I agree, Old Navy has definitely done a great job with their selection this season. My previous post shows another dress I found there, totally loved it! Thanks for stopping by, please visit again! 🙂 -R

    • 07/22/2014 / 3:19 pm

      Hi Claire, awww, thank you for that! Glad you stopped by! 🙂

  2. 07/22/2014 / 2:55 pm

    I would never be able to do those heels on sidewalk, let along on a dirt path. Kudos on that, and great outfit. Looks like a nice day for a photo shoot!

    • 07/22/2014 / 3:22 pm

      Hi Farin, you’re too funny! Those wedges are actually very comfortable and I was REALLY careful, lol. Thanks for the visit please stop by again! -R

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